Our Holistic Approach
Then, we use our complex resources to help you maintain the new changes we implement; delicious and healthy recipes, meal plans, supplementation recommendations, tips on managing food cravings, and more. We work to change your lifestyle for the better so that you not only learn how to implement these new changes, but teach your body to crave this new lifestyle so that you see healthy changes LONG-TERM. We believe that if you give the body what is needs, with the proper food and lifestyle, it will restore itself and keep you healthy and happy.
Our Approach
Our Story
Why This Approach is Important
We live in a society that bombards us with misleading and inaccurate information every single day, and it can be difficult to know what information to believe and trust. Our medical system, for example, is extremely well advanced in so many ways, but when it comes to preventative care and diet, its lacking in many important ways. The issue with this is that we don't learn how to prevent illness and disease, or how to fight off illness and disease using our own bodies healing mechanisms. Did you know that most doctors have extensive pharmaceutical training, but little to no training on diet and nutrition? This means that time is rarely taken to determine the root cause of problems, and instead a pill is used to treat symptoms. It is a detrimental practice we depend on for our health, because symptoms rarely identify what is actually going on within our bodies (unless you have a broken arm or something more physical). This is why "functional medicine" a new holistic way of looking at healthcare, challenges this current methodology and it is something we strongly believe in and practice at Happy Body Nutrition. Functional medicine, is a visionary way to manage ones health, as it looks at the "whole" body, not only symptoms, but diet, stressors, activity level, toxic exposures, and more. It is HEALTH care after all, not SYMPTOM care, which is why functional medicine is so revolutionary, and a much better way of treating illness and disease. It helps to truly identify the root cause of problems and how to heal.
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